Task 1

Before Trains

Here you will find resources and web links that will enable you to look at what life was like before there were trains. You will find out about the forms of transport that were used up until the invention of the railways.

Your Task:

Open a Microsoft Word Document and give it a title of your choice. Explore the links and pictures below. Type any information you find interesting into your document. Copy and paste images to the document if you wish.

At the end of the lesson drag your document into the class folder on the desktop; 'Trains in Bray'


Take a look at this video footage of London, 1886-1890. How are people getting around?

                                The Grand Canal, Dublin

                               Canal boats entering locks

A lock is a device for raising and lowering boats between stretches of water of different levels on rivers and canals. Locks are used to allow a canal to take a reasonably direct line across land that is not level.

Check out what these boys thought of their ride in a Stagecoach...

Are you interested in ship wrecks? Click this link to find out about some famous ships...Famous Ships

Horse omnibus leaving Bray for Enniskerry

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